Monday, March 30, 2009

Red Meat Butchers Years Off Life

(Image from Flickr - Thanks to IwateBuddy)
The carnivore-like instinct within us cannot resist a burger or steak every now and then. We cannot deny that this desire occurs more frequent in many of us.
Unfortunately, according to a10 year long study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, people who consistently add red meat to their diet are at a 31% higher risk of dying earlier. The study links the early mortality rate amongst red meat eaters to the development of heart disease and cancer. These two diseases are two of the highest leading causes of death among Americans.
This study can further shed light on a study done in 1995 which resulted in similar conclusions. Because of the carcinogens that are produced when cooking meat in addition to high fat and iron intake involved with eating red meat, there seems to be higher risks for heart disease and cancer.
Living in the United States, we are surrounded by foods we must avoid in order to live a healthy life. Especially with the current economy, there is a need for increasing our nutrition intake because of the lack of nutrients our diets consists of. Many people want to increase the public's education when it comes to picking out the proper diet. In addition to the American diet, there is also a lack of physical activity. Promoting exercise and proper dieting is key in educating the public to live healthier lifestyles. Maybe this can even reduce our national medical expenses in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
